Welcome to all
Firstly i want to talk about the link recycleyourbrain.blogspot.com. Recycle: to undergo reuse or renewal. People today don't realise that they can use their brain over and over again. In fact most people stopped using it at about age 4. Hence the 'dumbass' society we live in. So what we trying to do is get people to start using their brains again.
The way in which we want to promote brain usage is through humour. But the thing is we going to do this mainly using a brand of humour called 'dom humour' ironically so. It takes brains to act dom. A friend of mines always says 'ACT DOM, LIVE LONG!'. I think she really believes in that because that is the dumbest saying i have ever heard. Anyway the blog is mainly going to be funny but not exclusively. Will throw in other things that interest us along the way.
Some of the jokes are going to be racist and offensive and should by no means be taken seriously. In fact we at recycleyourbrain like non indians, they make good pets. And if there is something on the blog that offends you, feel free to drop us an email. We'll be sure to register your email on alot of porn sites and spam mailing lists. For those of you who are smiling about the porn sites, its going to be gay porn. If you still smiling, you need help dude! Not that we got anything against gay people, its just that most gay people are stuck up (someones ass). Ok ok, seriously thou, the blog will be more funny than offensive. But if the funny is offensive than fuck it, its so going to be published. Oh and there might also be vulgarity, because vulgarity is just so fucken cool!
Send us some suggestions about what to add onto the blog. We will so ignore it. Im joking your feedback will be appreciated. Points will be awarded for good suggestions and comments on the blog. But the points don't matter! Yeah thats right, the points are like pickup lines to a prostitute. The points are like savings accounts for indian girls. The points are like steak sauce in india. Ok i take it you get my drift. By the way you can however swop the points for imaginery gifts. Just go to the imaginery shop. Theres one right next to you.
If you look to the top right of the blog you will see a chat box. Feel free to write whatever you want there, but no singling people out and attacking them.
Enjoy the blog and don't forget to recycleyourbrain...
The DhalShoobab