Monday, June 1, 2009


so err here we go again....Damn this is only my second post and i started with "so err"...SHIT!!i said Damn!!DAMN i said SHIT!!! To you it might seem small and petty but if you a gal reading this shit,please (DAMN i said SHIT again!!SHIT i said DAMN again!!!wtf?!!) get and paper and take notes.....

Listed below you will find a crowd (2 is a couple,3 is a crowd??ahhhhh man must i explain everything?!!) of words that are most often mispronounced..

1. Video
2. Watch
3. Gaas

Pronounced veee deeeee yo

There is definitly a translation for VIDEO!! unlike the term VERDEO!!!AHH DAM!!!TOTAL TURN-OFF!!!!!!

Let me give u a basic example....A guy meets a gorgeous gal at this boring party.. ...They get to know each other bla bla the guys says "wana go to my place and play VERDEO games?"
The girl been way too cool for that JERK WHO SAYS VERDEO!! smacks him and leaves!!So the dude leaves for home alone and disappointed!! TURN-OFFF!!!! DUDE WHAT WERE U EVEN THINKING?? Had the guy said VIDEO, this gorgeous gal WOULD go to his place and the guy could have SCORED!!!..........Damn! FIFA 09 Rocks!!

Pronounced other way of saying it!!!

say it the way it spelt DAMMIT!!! Its WATCH---- WAAA...TCH and NOT WORCH!!!
For the few of you mentally challenged ppl who say it....TSEK!!!You DONT belong in our societies!!You could be how gorgeous but if you just happen to mention WORCH instead of WATCH!!!,u aint gona be gorgeous anymore!!!ohhh ya n u fat!!Yeah that musta hurt!how d bloody hell do u think we feel when u ppl say WORCH?

pronounced GAAS as in aaaaa..

For FUX sake its NOT GERS!!

Nothing further....


  1. herherherher i mean hahahaha

  2. hahahaha damn we funny!!!

  3. Salaams, that was brilliant, especially the Gaas one, i loved it, your blog rockz, keep it up

  4. Dude you should be a comedian. Leme tel shafiq to have you as a comedian in next bazme adab Banquet
